
4:45-6:00 pm

Panel 4 (Red Salon/ Volksbühne)

Shifting Baselines/ Climate change

With Harald Welzer (DE), Frederic Hanusch (DE).

Moderation: Martin Zähringer

In Shifting Baselines, Harald Welzer sociologically described just how rapidly the consensual values of a society could change. When the books "Climate Wars" and "KlimaKulturen" (Climate Cultures) appeared, there was still doubt as to whether an action was required — climate change! So what?

Today climate protection is at the top of the list of values of all parties looking to govern. But who is protecting what? Where are the shifting baselines of climate policy moving?

How must democracies take climate into account? Is global or social or even planetary thinking in vogue when it comes to the climate crisis? Or will the export nation of CO2 culture become the export nation of geoengineering – with Germany pragmatically in the camp of climate winners?

Book cover
Book cover
Book cover

Harald Welzer is director of Futurzwei - Stiftung Zukunftsfähigkeit and honorary professor for transformation design at the University of Flensburg. Welzer, a sociologist, is one of the most prolific publicists and most important public intellectuals in the German-speaking world and also internationally known.

• Nachruf auf mich selbst (Obituary for myself), 2021
•Climate Wars, 2012
•KlimaKulturen (Climate Cultures), 2010


Frederic Hanusch, PhD, has studied political science, Philosophy and Sociology in Heidelberg. Currently, he is scientific coordinator at the interdisciplinary research project "Panel on Planetary Thinking" at the Justus Liebig University Giessen.

• Planetar Denken - Ein Einstieg (Planetary Thinking. An Introduction), 2021
• Democracy and Climate Change, 2018