Bildergalerie/ Picture Gallery
CLIMATE CULTURES FESTIVAL Planet schreibt zurück!/ Planet Writes Back! 27/ 28/ 29/ November 2021
Roter Salon/ Volksbühne. Photos by Jan Michalko
Festivalleiter/ festival director Martin Zähringer
Panel 1: Klimawissen bottom up/ Climate Knowledge bottom up. Der Grönländische Politiker und Poet/ Greenlandic politician and poet Aqqaluk Lynge
Von links/from left: Aqqaluk Lynge, Lill Rastad Bjørst
Panel 2: Klimakrise und Kulturkontakt/ Climate Crisis and Culture Contact. Von links/from left: Franziska Krol, Minik Rosing, Catherine Bush, Martin Zähringer
Die kanadische Autorin/ Canadian writer Catherine Bush
Der dänisch-grönländische Geologe/ Danish-Greenlandic geologist Minik Rosing
Panel 4: Shifting Baselines - Klimawandel/ Shifting Baselines - Climate Change. Von links/from left: Frederik Hanusch, Harald Welzer
Frederik Hanusch (Panel for Planetary Thinking), Harald Welzer
Panel 6: Pipeline Stories - Erdöl, Landschaft, Klimawandel/ Pipeline Stories - Oil, Landscape, Climate Change. Dariya Manova
Die aserbajanische Dokumentarfotografin/ Azerbaijani documentary photographer Reny Effendi
Panel 7: Petro, Kunst und Propaganda/ Petro, Art and Propaganda. Von links/from left: Henry Fair, Helon Habila, Dariya Manova
Der nigerianische Autor/ Nigerian writer Helon Habila
Panel 8: Die Petromoderne(n) - eine Retrospektive/ Petromodern(s) - a Retrospective. Von links/from left: Benjamin Steininger, Alexander Klose
Kulturwissenschaftler/ cultural scientist Alexander Klose (Beauty of Oil)
Reading: Franziska Krol, Konstantin Lindhorst
Reading: Franziska Krol, Konstantin Lindhorst
Panel 9: Petrofiction and Petrofemininities. Von links/from left: Katharina Hagena, Lukas Bärfuss, Florian Auerochs
Der Schweizer Autor/ Swiss writer Lukas Bärfuss
Panel 10: Apokalypse No! Von links/from left: Catherine Bush, Waubgeshig Rice, Sieglinde Geisel
Panel 11: Science Fiction aus China/ Science Fiction from China. Von links/from left: Chen Quifan, Felix Meyer zu Venne, Lukas Dubro (Kapsel Magazin)
Panel 12: Kim Stanley Robinson. Von links/from left: Elizabeth Bösl, Kim Stanley Robinson, Thekla Dannenberg
Die Lektorin/ editor Elizabeth Bösl
Von links/from left: Elizabeth Bösl, Thekla Dannenberg
Filmprogramm im Babylon/ film program in Babylon
Fotoausstellung/photo exhibit: Rena Effendi, picture by Henry Fair
Film 3: Big Men - Everyone Wants To Be Big. Rachel Boynton